This safe work method statement makes ensuring cleaning safely easier and organised. A document that covers everything? The answer is not really. Not all jobs are the same! Are you going to clean a bathroom or polish a floor?
What is cleaning safe work method? How to tell if your cleaning system is poor? Your safe work method statement (SWMS) template. Cleaning methods to consider. Use this template to identify and describe specific hazards for high-risk construction work and determine the control measures to be put in place for safe completion of work.
Safe work method statements Ensure site-specific safe work method statements (SWMS) are in place for all high-risk construction work – use this template and sample. Have employees read the safe work method statement , sign and date the sign off form for the task or activity. Submit a copy of the signed safe work method statement , sign off registers completed by employees and any copies of the additional hazards, risks and controls form, and approval and change management form where applicable.

There are specific activities defined as high risk construction work (HRCW). FREE SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT RESOURCES On this page you will find links to a number of sources and references for safe work method statements. This document advises employers and self-employed people how to prepare a safe work method statement (SWMS) for these activities to ensure workers’ safety on construction sites. Proceed to working area and check areas are safe to work 5. Check equipment is safe and in good working order, reporting and discrepancies 6. M ethod - statement -VC5. Method Statement STR1.
A method statement is intrinsically a written safe system of work. A list of instructions that someone can use to carry out a job safely, with control measures in place to help prevent themselves and others from harm and have become increasingly important to CDM projects, schools, public buildings, housing associations and others. Now that you have a safe work method statement template free to download you are going to have to fill it out. Traditionally this has been a paper-based process that workers are not particularly good at filling out.
They could for example, fill them out after the job or. Purchasing a safe work method statement template can help save you quite a lot of time rather than starting from. It is a way to identify risks associated with a worksite and how best to manage them. SWMS must include the names of the people at the workplace, arrangements for the management of any incidents should they arise, health. DOWNLOAD HERE: Steps for filling out SWMS: 1. Discuss with relevant employees, contractors and HSRs what work will be high-risk, the tasks, and associated hazards, risks and controls.
In the ‘What are the tasks involved? Download a copy of our free method statement template which can be used to create safe system of work procedures to control workplace risks. This is a typical method statement that would be used for a cleaning company or site staff engaged in carrying out a “builders clean”. Objective: To carry out planned cleaning to new build properties. It is mainly used in construction to describe a document that gives specific instructions on how to safely perform a work related task, or operate a piece of plant or equipment.

Here is a free SWMS you can claim and use over and over. This blank site task method statement form will allow you to write a safe system of work to minimise the risks to your employees while they are carrying out any task. If you are new to method statements you may find it useful to use this blank method statement in conjunction with one of the worked examples in this folder and the guidance notes on how to write a method statement.
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