Customer must contact Customer service to report lost or stolen card. You can load multiple currencies on a single car locking in your exchange rates at the time of booking your reload via the website, so you know exactly how much you have to spend. Cash Passport and Cash Passport Platinum are not guaranteed. What is a multi currency passport?

For transaction and account related enquiries please contact your issuer directly. Post or courier to. Please do not send cash in the post. Foreign currency cash. ANZ can provide foreign cash in many of the world’s major currencies quickly and easily.
Credit and Visa Debit cards. When you’re travelling overseas, take your ANZ creditdisclaimeror Visa Debit cards with you. This travel money card provides safe and secure access to your money in a range of currencies at millions of outlets worldwide. You can choose to buy and load into the full currencies available, including NZ dollars. With all the security of travellers cheques, but without the hassle, it allows you to pre-load your travel budget for safe and convenient use at millions of ATMs, as well as shops and restaurants, worldwide.
Want to manage your card? Home Contact Us - General Enquiries. Provide original receipts, including receipts for any cash withdrawals. When you make a purchase or withdraw cash from an ATM, the amount is deducted from your prepaid balance.
Sale ends 8am Saturday 14th March. Simply load your travel money card up with funds in your chosen currency, then use it whenever you need to spend while travelling. Click here to find out more. Whois Lookup for cashpassport.

You will find the rate we used on your reload confirmation. The prevailing business day sell exchange rate at the time will apply. A service fee of NZ $will apply as well as a currency conversion fee, both paid at the time of withdrawal. Important: Payment will only be accepted from bank accounts in the name of the primary cardholder. How can I renew my New Zealand passport ? How long will my passport take?
I need to travel urgently, what do I do? A Product Disclosure Statement is available free of charge here. Further fees information available here. Secure and convenient.
If you are unable to leave New Zealand and your visa is nearing expiry, you should contact the New Zealand authorities as soon as possible. See New Zealand Government and New Zealand Immigration. Card Single Currency.
HM Passport Office is part of the Home Office.
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