What does SPL mean? Looking for online definition of SPL or what SPL stands for? SPL : Schiphol: SPL : Samsung Printer Language: SPL : Scottish Poetry Library (UK) SPL : Springfield Public Library (various locations) SPL : Spell Checker (File Name Extension) SPL : Stored Procedure Language : SPL : Sha Po Lang (movie title) SPL : Sun Public License (Sun Microsystems) SPL : Structured Programming Language: SPL : Système Productif Local. Sound pressure level uses a logarithmic scale to represent the sound pressure of a sound relative to a reference pressure.
The reference sound pressure is typically the threshold of human hearing:. Spl spl is the name for a collection of Unix interrupt priority control functions. SPL is short for Set Priority Level. Most popluated on tuesdays (dollar scoop night) the Safeway Parking Lot is, sadly, the hang out spot of a cities extremly bored youth. Find out what is the full meaning of SPL on Abbreviations.
List of 6SPL definitions. There is some confusion as to what “max SPL” means. B the threshold of hearing. The lower limit of audibility is defined as SPL of dB, but the upper limit is not as clearly defined.
Dental SPL abbreviation meaning defined here. Spl synonyms, Spl pronunciation, Spl translation, English dictionary definition of Spl. Normally, this spec is referenced to 0. A computer language in which a command corresponds to only one statement in the language. For example, A in assembly language stands for Add. This provides less flexibility than binary, but it is easier to learn and use.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. Its measured using watt of power at a distance of meter. SPL (Sound Pressure Level). Aye means yes, often replacing the latter in day-to-day life in Scotland. The home of Scottish Premiership Football on BBC Sport online.

Includes the latest news stories, , fixtures, video and audio. This page is all about the acronym of SPL and its meanings as Special. AcronymAttic has 2unverified meanings for SPL. Please note that Special is not the only meaning of SPL.
There may be more than one definition of SPL , so check it out on our dictionary for all meanings of SPL one by one. From a Scottish surname that was originally derived from a place name, itself probably derived from the Brythonic element cet meaning wood. This was the surname of a long line of Scottish nobles. Get oot ma face ya tadger. Troosers - trousers.
Scottish Dialect Scottish Pronunciation Scottish Words Scottish Given Names Scottish Sayings Scottish Family Names Scottish Place Names This is an informal guide to the Scots tongue for the benefit of occasional visitors to Scotland or readers of Scottish literature. Scottish definition is - of, relating to, or characteristic of Scotlan Scots, or the Scots. How to use Scottish in a sentence. SPL Frontliner is my favorite piece of equipment, which I use for tracking and mixing. Thank you SPL for providing awesome gear at really affordable prices.
Keep up the great work.
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