Friday, 3 November 2017

Company intranet

Company intranet

How to create a company intranet? What is an example of an intranet? The purpose of a company intranet is to provide a private, secured online network where employees can create content, communicate, collaborate, manage tasks and events, and develop the company culture.

A company intranet should make this process more efficient and help users do their jobs. When we look at this more closely, we can see that at the most basic level an intranet is there to help solve problems. Staffbase is the leading mobile-first employee communication and front door intranet for enterprise organizations. No matter where your people work, from the front line, to the warehouse, to the corner desk, give them a hub for employee communication, key resources and services. Planning the intranet ’s launch and related activities: Marketing activities at launch create buzz and awareness, and educate employees about features and the new-intranet ’s benefits.

Having multiple iterations means planning a large promotion for the main release, then continuing with smaller promotions for new features as they go live. An intranet is an online private communications network with access restricted to only internal employees. An intranet contains a range of tools and modules that are designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a company ’s operations.

Company intranet

Corporate communications : Since an intranet is an organization’s digital hub, the upper management can broadcast important information throughout the organization – changes at the corporate level, important events, recognition of performers, and announcements related to new policies. While the intranet is, primarily, a ‘tool’ for getting work done, one of its more important additional roles is to ensure that the company culture, mission, values and ethos are present for everyone. Corporate brand is something that large amounts of time, effort, and money get spent on. Interact has provided excellent support for the ideation, creation and launch of our intranet. Since using Interact ’s software, we’ve been able to completely overhaul our intranet to make it much sleeker and easier for employees to use.

Intranet backgrounds have been a long forgotten key element of design. Yet I confidently state that you will rarely, if ever, see a design awards finalist without a background. Where backgrounds may have at one time been deemed visual noise, it has reinvented itself as a key an element in intranet design as the name, logo and design.

A good company intranet gives employees the tools and resources to be more productive, and ensures everyone is on the same page. Corporate communications: Since an intranet is an organization’s digital hub, the upper management can broadcast important information throughout the organization – changes at the corporate level, important events, recognition of performers, and announcements related to new policies. Any business, regardless of its size, can benefit from creating a simple company intranet to store important information and documents - see the benefits of intranets. Company Intranet s are an invaluable resource for employees – a place to find key policies, find out who’s who, share knowledge and keep updated. But many Intranets are sadly unloved and uncared for.

Most of us are familiar with the term ‘build it, and they will come’ but is this truly the case when it comes to company intranet s? Not if the content is dull, overwhelming or static. Employees will only bother to use your intranet if it’s useful and relevant to them. IC Thrive is a cloud-based intranet solution for corporations, credit unions, banks, financial service firms, hospitals and more. The solution helps enable communication between employees and distribute company information.

By combining modern company intranet tools and corporate communications into one comprehensive service, Mango Intranet makes it easy to create a central go-to location for all employee resources and communications. Your intranet will become the central hub for your company online. It’s where conversations take place, company news is share and events are planned. With this in min it’s easy to see how it brings multi-location teams together. Since using Interact’s software, we’ve been able to completely overhaul our intranet to make it much sleeker and easier for employees to use.

Communicate with and Engage your people Build cohesion and increase employee engagement with rich multimedia and community dialog on your intranet. Drive organizational efficiency by sharing common resources and applications on home sites and portals. Tell your story with beautiful communication sites.

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