Tuesday 19 December 2017

Open letter to my daughter

In my years of life I have lived a lot, experienced much, and grown into the woman you see before you. So today I share with you all that I have learned. I must tell you that the world we live in is not perfect, but beautifully flawed. Our family journey to this point has not been easy, so we must make the best of it and work harder than most.

Open letter to my daughter

You were my everything from that very first moment. When I had to go through one of the hardest times of my life, you were the reason why I had to stay strong, and you were and still are the reason I’m still alive today. I am glad my daughter reads my articles, and I hope she reads the ones on Gravity Falls and White Zombie.

Dear Naomi: You have always been in the mind of God. Baby, you are the joy of my life and I hope that I can teach you all of these things before you face the world on your own. I am so blessed to get to love you and be your mama. The world is better for having you in it, my love. Dear Daughter , I believe with all of my heart that the best half of my life began the day my babies were born.

I didn’t stop being myself but adding ‘Mom’, ‘ Mother’ and ‘Mommy’ to my persona is a gift I wouldn’t change for anything. To my daughter ’s father, Thank you for your absence. Never did I fathom that one day I would be writing you a thank you letter. Here is a letter I wrote for my daughter Bella.

I hope my words from the heart inspires you when writing a letter of encouragement to your daughter. The journey of months when I carried you in my womb was not an easy one, but it was one. An Open Letter From A Mother To Her Teenage Daughter The Journey Of Nine Months. Our Bundle Of Joy – Our Princess. We cried when you crie laughed when you laughe were joyous when you babble.

Open letter to my daughter

A letter for you, my daughter to keep you motivated when life gets hard. You can read these words at anytime and know that I am here for you! You know the day all about women empowering women… Well this day gave me an opportunity to reflect.

Daughter , Your existence has made the world around me a brighter, better place. Your smile lights up my life and I could never be sad with you in my arms. My hope is that will be enough for you and for your daughter — who is a light in both our worlds.

Oh, right now, you are her sun. You light her way, as I lit yours so long ago. And as we wane, sink, and the moon of the Crone, the old woman rises, the light might seem so pale, so faint, in comparison.

I am writing this letter to you as a permanent reminder of how wonderful you are, and to tell you that no matter what happens, you will always shine. My dearest darling child. To my beautiful daughter , As I lay here and watch you sleep, my heart bursts with love for you. I cannot believe that someone so perfect in every way is mine.

Mine to look after, to nurture, to. This is an open letter that I wrote for my daughter just before her second birthday. To my sweet Stella, I can’t believe it’s been almost two years since the day you came into our lives. Now, I can’t imagine our world without you. Life is roller coaster and this open letter is for my daughter want to share lessons of life which will help her to shape up her life!

Recently social media was flooded with National girl child day messages. Some are things that I have learned in the past, others are things that I continue to learn as I walk through this life with you by my side. You have changed life as I've known it since the moment I knew you would be mine. I need for you to know and embrace fear.

Open letter to my daughter , the mother-to-be This being the week leading up to Mother’s Day, I decided to spend it focusing on the mothers in my life. I only have one that I call my own, but there are several other mothers who matter to me.

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