Who are the elect of God? Does God have free will? What is the doctrine of predestination? Who does God say that I am? Predestination is a biblical doctrine.
If the question is predestination vs.
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Most commonly cited are Ephesians 1:4- which says, “even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the worl that we should be holy and blameless before him. Freewill He knew it, He planned it, He purposed it, He desired it, and He predestined the very thing that you are now reading. If you have freewill, how can God be sovereign over your life? Either extreme is wrong, since the Bible clearly indicates that both predestination and free will are in operation.
In order to fulfill His prophecies, God must predestine history to a certain degree. That’s because He has predestined everything to happen according to His will. How does this work, exactly?
Because He gives people free will , they may choose to receive or reject the gospel.
I noticed that all the Bible verses against predestination are from the New Testament. Whilst it is true that predestined (or predestinated) is a Bible wor some have given it a meaning different from the Bible meaning. Consequently their doctrine of predestination skews the Bible doctrine of election.
He knows what we will do because he knows all things. He cannot not know all things. God predestines in and through our choices because God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Nowhere in God’s Word do we see God controlling every action.
Free Will Testifies to God’s Power and Love. The Bible shows us a picture of God in relationship with humanity (and relationship requires two free agents), allowing humans to make decisions, and then responding in turn. He does not force humans to choose one thing or another. The Bibleteaches both the free will of man and God’s election or predestination. Biblical concepts, leaving an impression there is a conflict between the two.
The doctrine that involves election, predestination , foreknowledge of Go free will of men and salvation are taught in the Bible. Confusion are most common on divisive issues when definitions of terms are not well defined. Therefore, I believe we need to start with clear definition of terms.
We should leave foreknowledge, election, and predestination up to God and simply be obedient in sharing the gospel. Recommended Resource: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. Packer More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free !
He will build My city and will let My exiles go free , Without any payment or rewar” says the Lord of hosts. Learn how the Bible supports the doctrines of predestination and free will and what it means to be predestined for salvation. In the history of the Christian church, few doctrines have been so.
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