Are You at risk for asbestos? What are the problems with asbestos? Should you worry about asbestos in your home? Can you carry out asbestos work?

This bleeding leads to substantial scarring on the lungs, the progressive deterioration of lung function, and in some cases, death. You should make the dangers of the material known to your family, and you should know that short-term exposure isn’t an immediate death sentence. We all breath in tiny amounts of asbestos everyday and our body deals with it It.
I never wash my work clothes at home, at least not my outer garments. Exposure is cumulative and repeated exposure is more dangerous than one exposure. If there is still a piece remaining, have it tested.

If not asbestos, few worries. If asbestos, it depends on how you did it, but it is really too late to worry. They too never gave the risks of asbestos a thought, although they had the excuse that not enough information was in the public domain about how dangerous the stuff can be. If you sanded it, you need. There is a tiny amount in normal outdoor air.
The danger of asbestos comes from when its microfibres become airborne, which only happens when it’s disturbed. Therefore, if you’re worried that you might have asbestos in your home, don’t panic – it’ll only be a problem if the asbestos-containing building material becomes damaged. The dangers of asbestos are associated with breathing in these fine dust particles. These can lodge in the lungs and cause a number of serious respiratory conditions including lung cancer. This doesn’t mean that you should be worried about asbestos in your home.
It was cheap to min and naturally occurring, which led to the boom in its use for much of the first half of the th century in particular. With all of the bad press surrounding asbestos , I am not surprised that countless people are questioning their safety in their own home. Two common types are asbestos cement and pitch fibre. If the pipework is original then it is more likely that soon after WWthe pipework would be clay below ground and cast iron above groun but there are no hard and fast rules, and every possibility the pipework has been replaced or adapted over the years. IMO that is no guarantee either.
Lots of the products that replaced asbestos are just as bad. The worst types of asbestos you may come across is corrugated. You should not worry from such a brief exposure even if it was the worst type. Asbestos is only dangerous when disturbed.

No level of exposure is considered safe when dealing with asbestos. The scary thing is that it may take years, even decades, for the exposure to show up in the form of a lung disease. One-time asbestos exposure generally is not a serious risk, except in extreme circumstances where toxic dust clouds the air.
I stepped back and fell straight through the roof which was a sheet of corrugated asbestos , I got out of the shed ASAP and sprayed water into the shed before I even considered going back in. From memory it was a fairly clean break on the sheet, and happened very quickly but it has always worried me that I may suffer later down the line. But we shall see what further information becomes available as far as asbestos questions.
So, how worried should you be? For now, if you have concerns about talcum powder, simply don’t use it. Can I remove asbestos from my home? We strongly advise that you DO NOT attempt to remove any asbestos from your home. You must contact an expert removal company.
Hubby is concerned that the (potential) asbestos has been disturbed and that our daughter could now be in danger. He realises it is unlikely but still a possibility (iyswim). My argument is that none of the (maybe 15) workmen that we have had round to quote, for a range of works, have even mentioned asbestos. Then you can send it away for inspection (an absestos removals company) should be able to advise you better.

Also this method is fairly costly).
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