Tuesday 17 April 2018

Car trouble excuses for being late to work

What is an excuse for being late to your job? What are some common excuses given for being late? Why am I late for work? How to apologize for being late to work? Traffic, sleep schedules, and weather conditions are the top three.

Being tired and forgetful round out the top five reasons for being tardy.

Traffic jams happen quite often in the morning, and they are one of the more common excuses for being late to work. After all, everyone is on the roa trying to get to work on time, and perhaps having some problems with their vehicles. Those pesky roadworks, hey? This is a pretty easy and obvious excuse to use when.

A little white lie never hurt anybody, right? Telling your manager that your child or. Some states have laws that protect you from being fired if you need to miss or be late for work due to being subpoenaed to testify at a trial or deposition. Sometimes, if you’re subpoenaed for a trial, you’ll be on call and might not know until the last minute that you’ll be called that day.

Everyone makes mistakes , and your employer may forgive a one-time error such as arriving late or missing a meeting because you ran out of gas.

But if you regularly oversleep or forget your scheduled shift start time, your employer may think you’re unmotivate unorganized or unreliable. Use your mistake as a lesson for the future. These are the best late for work excuses mostly used. One of the main reasons for being late is the journey to work.

From losing your car keys through to unable to find a parking space - there is a whole range of perfectly reasonable explanations for being up to three hours late. My car overheated early this morning and I told my boss that i had to call triple AAA. You probably have no law that will save you from being fired if you use these old chestnuts: Your car broke down. No legal protection. Take public transportation or a cab if you have to.

For example, there is no way anyone can disprove it (unless you work at a mechanics garage of course) and- due to the presumed time scale involved with fixing up a broken down car - it will get you a good few hours. I’d advise ringing in earlier and saying you’re going to be held up for several hours. SAY: Partner took the keys. Blaming the other person actually makes you a little less of an airhead. The way to milk this one is to recount your frantic search.

It will make it a little less routine and the boss might excuse you for some free entertainment. But if you have the option of taking a taxi, this excuse really grinds to a halt. You could claim, as one enterprising soul questioned in the PwC survey di that your car rolled down the hill into a lamppost and you’ll be spending the day at the garage. A worker ruined her excuse for being late by sending a picture If you must tell a lie, keep it simple – “I had car trouble ” is always going to sound more convincing than “I couldn’t get into my car because a lorry skidded off the roundabout and tipped a ton of manure onto it.

My fish is sick and I need to take it to the vet.

Just search for the most reasonable and credible explanation that will help you avoid a good dressing-down and future trouble. Here are the best excuses to give your boss when you’re late to work. There was a lot of traffic: simple, prosaic and very plausible. Anyone can run into a hold-up, caused by an. Excuses for Being Late in to Work.

Sick Child Similar to the lack of childcare excuse , this is another great one on the list of good excuses to miss work on short notice. The following mentioned are few funny yet good excuses for being late to work. Broken car Radio: When employees set out to offer funny excuses , it starts from their car.

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