Keep using this card even if you change medical or dental plans. However, if a physical member ID card is neede members have the ability to print cards from their Member Portal. Providers also have the option to print ID cards from the SoonerCare Provider Portal.
Some states make your card available online. The process varies by state and by county.
Identification Card. If your eligibility stops, keep the ID card in case you become eligible again. If don’t already have a Social Security on-line account, you can create one online.
Medicaid Client Portal. Go to Sign In or Create an Account. Once you are logged in to your account, select the Replacement Documents tab. For example, in Florida, you can request a replacement card by calling the designated toll-free number, and print a temporary card by accessing your online account.
Texas also lets you order or print the replacement card online , or you may call the toll-free number.
Download and print an application. It can take a few weeks to receive the card after you get the approval letter.