Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Excuses to not go back to work after lunch

Once I had a chance to go race at a great event, but I knew the Boss would never give me the days off I needed. So, being a responsible employee I called in the middle of the night (knowing all messages were timestamped) explaining how my brother had a heart attack and I was flying out momentarily. Not only did my brother have a miraculous recovery but I got a second place trophy out of the.

We set the date, the time, the location and then an hour prior we just know it’s not going to happen. Our sweats are too comfy, our couch is being permanently fixed.

The best and worst excuses for getting out of work when you need to be absent, examples of good reasons for missing work , and tips for telling your boss, The Balance Careers Menu Go. Job Searching Guide Interview Types Job Internsh. I usually find an excuse to work from home when I get like that. Link to post Share on other sites. What are some excuses for not working?

I work the graveyard shift. Sure you could go out and just call the locksmith later, but who wants to deal with a locksmith at midnight after three martinis?

No one, that’s who. I’m too upset about the state of the country to go out into the world Hopefully this one only works for the next four years. I totally missed this! You know the drill.

Amazing bosses might not let you get away with these excuses for missing work , but they do these things every day. Here are the best excuses sure to get you out of your cubicle and under the sun—or back into bed. I forgot to come back to work after lunch. My cat has the hiccups.

I had to chase my cows back into the field. A Vaseline truck crashed on the highway and cars were sliding all over the place. I’m stuck in the blood pressure machine at the grocery store.

Instea here are excuses —five smart and five not -so-smart—to help you save face and your sanity. Smart excuses for missing work. Come in two or three hours early—or stay late—for a week or two. Then negotiate a day off in advance.

Sometimes, you just can’t help being late for work.

Stuff happens, things go wrong, and it can be hard to get out of the house to arrive at work in a timely manner. It happens to almost everyone at one time or another, so be prepared to handle it appropriately. Depending on your manager, it might not matter—or it could be a big deal.

Note that these excuses work only when you ‘plan’ to miss work in advance. An employee said it was too cold to work. Be sure not to do anything strenuous during the days after the ‘surgery’.

Good Excuses To Get Out Of Work Last Minute Or In Advance 1. Now, this is one of the most frequently used excuses for getting away from the office but it is indeed one of the good excuses to get out of work.

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