As a landlor you can only end a lease when the tenant fails to pay rent or meet other lease obligations. If you have included a ‘forfeiture clause ’ in the lease , you can use it in these. These provisions don’t apply to leases of property in Scotland so the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill has now introduced similar protections for commercial tenants who lease property in Scotland. This remedy is known as “forfeiture”. The first instance decision in the Charlie Bridge case implied that any provision in a commercial lease which required the landlord to give notice to the tenant before terminating the lease for non-payment of rent may be invalid as being in conflict with section 1of the Conveyancing Act.
Can a landlord terminate a lease? Can I end a lease if the tenant fails to pay rent? What is a commercial lease? The most common breach of covenant for a commercial lease is the duty to pay rent.
If the tenant fails to pay rent when it falls lawfully due then the landlord will be entitled to terminate the lease. Fortunately, it is also one of the easier breaches to deal with. The above serves as a brief overview of the key steps and considerations to forfeiting a commercial lease for non-payment of rent. The Act requires a landlord to issue the proper demands for payment before terminating the lease.

If a landlord issues notices, but the tenant fails to meet the demands for payment , the landlord can then evict the tenant. The landlord may subsequently take back possession of the premises and sue the tenant for rental arrears. Re: notice of commercial lease termination. Rath, Subject: Commercial lease termination.
I’m writing this letter to inform you that I would not be renewing the lease for the business property situated at 2Drive Hill Street. How to Terminate a Commercial Lease for non-payment of Rent 1. How to terminate a commercial lease for non-payment of rent or other breach. In most Australian states, a Commercial Lease is used for properties such as warehouses, offices or factories. Break clauses are written into agreements to enable tenants to terminate a commercial lease prior to the contract end date.
Before being able to trigger a break clause, tenants will typically need to fulfil a minimum rental perio for example months. The Appeal Panel decision disagreed with this view, thereby removing doubt about the validity of such. The Coronavirus (Scotland) Act extends the period of time to weeks for non-payment of rent , effectively creating a block on a landlord on terminating during that period. It is easy for a landlord to waive their right to rely upon the non - payment of rent to forfeit the lease.
For example, by simply chasing payment of rent arrears a landlord is deemed to have waived their right to forfeit the lease based on those arrears. Consider whether or not relief from forfeiture will be granted to the tenant. Claims for possession as a result of forfeiture for rent arrears that have already begun are suspended and existing possession orders cannot be enforced until after June at the earliest. Extra protection for businesses with ban on evictions for commercial tenants who miss rent payments Commercial tenants who cannot pay their rent because of coronavirus will be protected from eviction.
However, it does not remove their obligation to pay rent. A tenant can attempt to terminate the lease , but it may be advisable, after reviewing the applicable termination provisions and consulting with counsel, to send your tenant a notice (complying with the notice provisions in the lease ) warning the tenant that it will be in default of the lease once it fails to pay rent , among other things. The Coronavirus Act came into force earlier this week, including a ban on forfeiture of commercial leases for non-payment of rent for the next months. This will particularly affect RPs who are landlords of commercial units, and this article considers the practical steps that you can take to minimise the impact on your business.
Terminating Commercial Leases for Non-payment of Rent – Validity of Law Society Lease Questioned. The extension of this moratorium on forfeiture will come into. Rent suspension for periods of inaccessibility to the property. Landlords and tenants may question who is accountable for payment of rent during a period where the property is unusable.

Most commercial leases provide for suspension of rent following damage by an insured risk (i.e. actual physical damage to the property).
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