Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Pharmacy law and ethics exam questions

Answer all THREE parts of this question : (a) You are the regular pharmacist at a small independent pharmacy. On the way to work there is an accident so you will be ten minutes late. She says a regular patient is outside wanting to buy a pack of paracetamol.

There must be a legitimate reason for an anabolic steroid prescription. If someone comes to the pharmacy all big and buff with a prescription for an anabolic steroid , then you should question if the prescription is for a legitimate purpose.

Lecture Notes - Lectures 1-4 given by Dr. Stolinstki, and Dr. The pharmacist may provide the patient with the requested amount and informs her that she must pick up the remaining quantity within hours. Question A pharmacy student is caught by the police supplying cannabis resin to four of his non- pharmacy friends on a university campus.

Please ensure that you read the directions at the beginning of each section. SECTION ONE (questions ) Directions for questions to 20. Each of the questions or incomplete statements in this section is followed by five suggested.

Select the best answer in each case. To identify and debate legal or ethical questions raised by the developing nature of pharmacy practice. To provide informed comment, reports, or representations where appropriate, on legal and ethical issues arising in pharmacy practice.

Medicines, Ethics and Practice (MEP) Your go-to guide for good practice No long lists of statutory obligations here – just everyday, practical tools and guidance to help you make the right decisions. The pharmacist is responsible for all damages The patient is responsible for all damages No damages would be awarded since damages are all or none The patient would be responsible and the pharmacist The patient would be responsible, pharmacist , and the pharmacy. The Drug Price Competition and Patent-T….

Administrative Law. Designed to lower drug prices and create more competition betw…. Regulations set forth by governmental agencies, such as the In…. Tampering with or contaminating a product or substance. These pre-reg open book questions below have been compiled for the purpose of helping you to get to know some of the information that can be found in the BNF and help you in preparing for the GPhC pre-reg open book exam.

Chapter - PHARMACY LAW AND ETHICS. Oral ExaSection – Ethics Scenario 14. Case 14: It is winter and you have just started at a new pharmacy.

The pharmacy assistant brings a bundle of Fluvax prescriptions for different patients from a particular local doctor. Discuss the federal pharmacy laws that govern pharmacy practice.

With our Advanced Smart Learning Technology, you can master the learning materials quickly by studying, practicing and playing at lunch, between classes or while waiting in line. Pharmacy law and regulations uses proven study. Pharmacists take a ‘patchwork’ approach to ethics, relying on a combination of common sense, official guidance, strict rules, professional obligations, and professional autonomy. One of the strongest themes emerging from the data was the prominence of institutional rules, and a concern for the interests of the patient.

Test yourself with MCQs based on the best selling FASTtrack series. Exam -style questions written and reviewed by practising pharmacists, lecturers and previous exam writers. Suitable for all years of the pharmacy degree plus anyone else who wants to brush up on their knowledge. Try this amazing Quiz: Take This Medical Ethics Exam Test ! Also explore over 2similar quizzes in this category. Pharmacists are experts on communicating with patients and other health care professionals.

Pharmacists have access to a vast amount of knowledge on medicines and the actions of drugs. This month’s free law and ethics practice question will test your knowledge on therapy records. Regardless of where you work, (agency, private practice, county mental health, etc.) therapy records are a must!

Can the store be open but the pharmacy department closed? Under what requirements? The original or official copy? Can you obscure your address on the copy displayed to the public?

Discuss “Moral decisions should be based on duty, not purpose”. Assess with reference to the theory of Natural Law. Human beings are born with the tendency to pursue morally good ends”.

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