Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Hong kong company directory

You can easily find any one you want to know the information of the company in Hongkong. These company information includes: company number , company name , date of registration, company status , company type , and annual examination date. About HKG Business HKGBusiness.

The names of the companies appear exactly as they do on the stock exchange listing. Our data are updating every day.

You can obtain a Company Particulars Report which gives a summary of key the particulars of a selected company. We disclaim any responsibility as to the accuracy of the information given and whether the companies listed in the directory are bona fide traders. The best local business directory available included Dining, Entertainment, Shopping , Travel,. Find businesses by category, keywor company name or business number. You can use the filters on the left hand side to identify PCB fabricators based on their capabilities.

Find companies , professionals and organizations offering their products or services to expatriates. Your route to business worldwide.

Create my Target list. Register my Company for free. Directory with 250. Welcome to the HKIS surveying company directory. The directory is categorized by scopes of expertise.

Please select the service that you need in order to view a list of related companies. Hong Kong business directory. Refine my search: Return. Buy this Company list. See premium products.

MEDIAPRESS LIMITED. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares. NOTE:Open format (MS Acces format or CSV) only! This version is in open format only.

No browser software included. Furniture- hong kong is an online resource and the number furniture directory in hong kong with information on hong kong furniture suppliers, hong kong furniture product, hong kong furniture manufacturers, hong kong furniture companies , hong kong furniture business directory , import export in hong kong , classifieds, etc.

You can find them by business sector, country name, company name, association name or any keywords. The main reason to form a limited company is to protect the people running the community projects or charity from personally liable to the debts and legal responsibilities. COMPANY DIRECTORY Search our directory for information about our partner companies Our Areas of Innovation HKSTP is a multidisciplinary hub that harnesses cutting-edge research to innovate, educate, and change the world.

Unlike countries such as Nevis and the Cook Islands, the names of the company officers and directors show up in the public records. One can utilize nominee officers for privacy purposes. Companies If you are an engineering services firm or contract manufacturer, you need to become part of ENGINEERING.

To give you a head start, we are now offering a one year listing, free of charge. We are able to conduct a company search and obtain company search reports and copies of company documents. Dragon Link Enterprises Ltd We aim to provide First-Class Service to Exhibitors ensuring that exhibits arrive in time. Grisel started his career at ABN AMRO where he spent years and was most recently Head of Industrials and Real Estate in Asia. While at ABN AMRO, he also held other roles in Europe and Latin America.

Grisel was interim CFO of a NASDAQ-listed company.

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