Overview demo video. Applying business intelligence to your supply chain operations can deliver increased fill rates while streamlining inventory. It eliminates data silos once and for all, empowering everyone with self-service BI capabilities that enable you to.
This demo looks at how the EAM Asset Analysis module works with Birst. It shows how you can use the tool to visually compare service requests locally to the global tren identify work orders issues, export data to get explanations from vendors, and more. Seamless user experience. An introduction to Birst. It unifies IT-managed enterprise data with user-owned data, supporting the blending of both in a top-down and bottom-up manner.
It uses consistent business metrics to structure raw data into organized sets and visualizations. It helps users identify patterns and better. Autoplay When autoplay is enable a suggested video will automatically play next. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

The solution can either be deployed on-premise or hosted in the cloud. The tool enables decentralized users to augment the enterprise data model virtually without compromising data governance. Infor Coleman Business Analytics.
Contextualize industry-specific analytics help you gather real-time data and monitor metrics for improved communication with business partners wherever they are. It enables all users to access data and more importantly use data to make business decision. All other product and service trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Third party and open source license information is available in the Help topic Third-Party Licenses. Walkthrough About this Blog. Za več referenc in dostop do videoteke nas kontaktirajte! Přehled řešení Birst.
There is no new code to write and no new infrastructure to deploy. SolutionsX delivers this solution to customers seeking to reach new levels of business intelligence acquisition for ultimate lean operations. In a day when standout BI needs to be easy to use, flexible in its applications, and flawless in its backend application, there are many applications which claim all of these traits and follow through on none of them. Its key features include ad hoc reporting, charting, data import and export, visual analytics, customer service analytics,. The scenario involves a main spreadsheet that represents a corporate database, based on the classic Northwind demo.

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Networked BI by Birst. We enable, evolve and elevate with technology to help our customers succeed and achieve the next level in reliable operations.
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