Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Method statement for reinforcement works pdf

This procedure is developed for the construction execution of form, reinforcement and concrete works for _____ (Project Name) at _____ (City Name). Responsibilities 5. Machinery and Equipment 5. Personal Protective Equipment. The control of quality for reinforcement works on Project is listed into five separate areas and the quality checks will be sequential, following each step as follows: 1. Review and study contract drawings and prepare shop drawings accordingly. The purpose of this method statement is to lay down the systematic procedures for the various activities required for reinforcement bars to ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with the approved shop drawings and project specification. Appendix A: Activity Organization Chart.

Foundation Location Plan. Please also refer to the attached illustration showing underpinning stages. Water Proofing Works. For vertical surfaces bitumen paint, bituthene sheet and protection board shall be used for water proofing.

Reinforcement Works. APPENDIX A Scope of Works Findo Teknik Main Contractor 1. Prepare bar bending schedule as per approved contract. Planning and coordinating with main contractor for pouring schedule, size of casting and joint location. The following is a document of the Quality.

Site Organisation and Control 2. Method Statement Contents 1. Pile Construction – Concrete 5. CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT GENERAL APPROACH TO CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRUCTION TIME 3. The formwork will be a proprietary panel type system. Wall panels will be faced to produce a fair face fini. The information in the method statement should be communicated to site staff via a tool box talk – which would routinely be required as part of the health and safety requirements for a site. So without further ado here is the method statement for construction of ground beams. Practical Alternatives To Using Step Ladders Part 2. If fabrication cannot be completed in situ, then the work will take place adjacent to the work area and lifted into position on completion – please see lifting plan method statement.

Some works will require multiple method statements) The reinforcement will be fixed as indicated on the design drawing and to the covers stated. This method statement describes how to install the ground beams’ reinforced concrete in order to meet project requirements. If you are a sub-contractor you may be asked to provide your method statements before starting work.

These forms, when properly filled in, will. ERECTION METHOD STATEMENT revPage : - The individual job conditions. There are certain erection practices which are in general use and have proven sound over the years. It identifies known hazards and risks, and outlines the control measures to be implemented to eliminate or minimise the risk of death or injury potentially caused as a result of cutting steel reinforcement.

INSPECTION The monitoring staff should take cognizance of the following in the inspections of the reinforcement. Storage of Materials The reinforcement delivered to site should be stored. The Scope of this method statement covers the various requirements to be provided for preparation like chipping and expose the existing rebar, marking to position the new starter bar location, reconnaissance to confirm and ensure that the existing rebar or PT tendons (in case of PT slab) don’t get disturbed and then do core drilling to required depth.

Below is given a safe work method statement for performing the excavation works for different purposes like piping, trenching, man hole and cable laying etc. The procedure is given in main steps and other considerations must be kept in the view. Ensure all clearances from the concerned government department are obtained.

Selected working area.

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