A safe work method statement for excavation improves excavation operations in a number of ways. Firstly, it enables a company to document its actual process which requires thinking through and establishing the best and most feasible control measures. Secondly, it standardises how every worker approaches the activity of excavating, keeping everyone on the same safety page and reducing the.
Use this template to identify and describe specific hazards for high-risk construction work and determine the control measures to be put in place for safe completion of work. Below is given a safe work method statement for performing the excavation works for different purposes like piping, trenching, man hole and cable laying etc. The procedure is given in main steps and other considerations must be kept in the view.
Ensure all clearances from the concerned government department are obtained. Selected working area. What is a safe work method statement? Where there are differences in the control measures to.
There are specific activities defined as high risk construction work (HRCW). This document advises employers and self-employed people how to prepare a safe work method statement (SWMS) for these activities to ensure workers’ safety on construction sites. Demolition is some of the most dangerous work conducted on sites all over the worl and there have been countless measures and controls put in place to try mitigate the risks and hazards associated with demolition works. This safe work method statement is free to use and completely editable for your own demolition SWMS.
DOWNLOAD HERE: Steps for filling out SWMS: 1. Discuss with relevant employees, contractors and HSRs what work will be high-risk, the tasks, and associated hazards, risks and controls. In the ‘What are the tasks involved? If excavating a trench greater than 1. You must also ensure all sides of the trench are supported by shoring, benching or battering. A method statement will be prepared and approved where deemed necessary, and may include: i) Site plan showing the location of spoil heaps for temporary storage and if appropriate permanent storage area.
Type of plant and equipment to be used. Means for keeping excavations free of water. Method of trench supports. Safe work method statement for high risk construction work – provides general guidance on the function, content and application of safe work method statements (SWMS) that are required for high risk construction work.
If you are a sub-contractor you may be asked to provide your method statements before starting work. These forms, when properly filled in, will. Although above information is sufficient in order to develop and good method statement.
But there are some clients who need detailed method statement mentioning lot of things. In that case you can use our sample method statement given below or follow below table of content. This blank site task method statement form will allow you to write a safe system of work to minimise the risks to your employees while they are carrying out any task.
If you are new to method statements you may find it useful to use this blank method statement in conjunction with one of the worked examples in this folder and the guidance notes on how to write a method statement. Note: Each SWMS template needs to be customised to be made site specific before use. Personal Protective Equipment. Outline in detail any PPE required for task.
The Safe Work Procedures (Templates) presented herein are a sample guide to the subject. It does not remove, replace, or alter our obligations under any health and safety legislation.
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