Friday, 21 February 2020

What is my superannuation member number

How to find the spin number for your superannuation fund? You should assess your own financial situation and needs and read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about products on this website. What is the superannuation Division? Does this answer your question?

SPINS are used and recognised for a number of reasons.

You can find your Sunsuper member number on most pieces of correspondance you receive from us. Find it using our online tool. See changing jobs for more information. Your superannuation basics.

A company that I work for has recently changed business name and ABN. As a result they has contacted the employees super funds with these new details and have been sent new Super Employer Membership Numbers. When you prepare a superannuation contribution through Pay Super, AccountRight checks to see that all employees assigned to a particular super fund have a unique membership number.

If multiple employees had the same membership number the contribution would not be able to proceed. You will find this on any recent correspondence from USS. Scottish Public Pensions Agency ‘ My Pension’ is the easiest and most convenient way to access a range of information regarding your pension benefits at a time that suits you. Complete this form. It is the number by which the ATO identifies the super fund and imposes tax and gives refunds.

Tax File Number (TFN) – this is a number which is given by the ATO to the superannuation fund. The TFN is “protected” in that it should only be used in relation to taxation matters and its use for non-taxation purposes is illegal. Make sure your member number is followed by the two letters of your scheme. Super funds also have a superannuation product identification numbers or SPIN that can also be used to identify the fund when paying or transferring into and out of members’ accounts.

In many cases, a fund’s USI is used in place of a SPIN. When entering the number please only enter the digits i. There are a number of ways you can contribute to your superannuation account. Active members make compulsory contributions to their accumulation account at a rate of between and per cent of contribution salary. Superannuation product identification number.

Members can vary their contribution rate at the Annual Review each year on October. A BDBN is a notice given by you as a member of a superfund to the trustee of your superfund outlining who should receive the benefit of your superannuation upon your death.

Voluntary contributions. Making voluntary after tax contributions to your super could have a significant impact on your retirement savings. You can make after tax contributions at any time online via Bpay.

MLC super account will provide you with the appropriate cover to replace any cancellation of insurance cover that will occur by consolidating your account(s). If you suffer from a pre-existing medical condition, consider whether you will be eligible for the same level of cover if you cancel your existing insurance policy. The ‘ superannuation guarantee’ is currently 9. The guarantee is scheduled to rise to 10.

Interest rates for Living Super Term Deposits are effective from midday on the date of publication. Prime Super is one of the founding members of the new Regional Australia Council which aims to attract more people to live and work in regional Australia.

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