In this this module we explain the types of statutory declarations you maybe asked to witness and debunk some common myths surrounding these documents. A person that is approved or qualified to witness a statutory declaration is a person such as a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations (Cdecs) or a lawyer. A statutory declaration must be witnessed by a solicitor or Justice of the Peace to be considered legal. Can a registrar of title accept a statutory declaration? What is the oath of declaration Queensland?
Who can witness this statutory declaration ? This declaration may be witnessed by: A justice, commissioner. It is affirmed by the declarant and not sworn. If there are many changes, it may be easier to complete a new statutory declaration. An approved witness must sign the new declaration.
When a person is sending photographs of a child or children to a prisoner, a statutory declaration may be required to accompany the photographs. Statutory declarations and photos for prisoners. Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made Police officer. Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court. Senior executive employee of a Commonwealth authority Senior executive employee of a State or Territory.
STATUTORY DECLARATION. I, of , do solemnly and sincerely declare that:-. An example of when a Stat Dec may be used could be when an employee notifies their employer that they are unwell and therefore will be off work sick. As noted previously, the authority of a person to witness a statutory declaration or affidavit (or to certify documents) is different in each jurisdiction.
Accordingly, care should be taken to confirm your capacity as an authorised witness prior to signing any documents placed in front of you. For example, a doctor who is registered to practise medicine in Australia can witness your declaration , but a doctor who is not registered in. Once you write your statutory declaration , you must sign it in front of an authorized witness. After your declaration is signed and witnesse you may submit it to the organization that has requested it.
Guidance on the acceptability of statutory declarations for passport purposes. FroHM Passport Office. The photographs which are sent will be examined by prison staff and if they do not comply with the guidelines, they will not be given to the prisoner. The witness , and I recall the Attorney Generals Guidelines for J. Any attachments to the Declaration must be certified by a prescribed person. Details This guidance is used by HM Passport Office staff.
The general purpose form for a statutory declaration (Commonwealth) may be found here as a PDF and here in Word format. Copies of documents can only be certified by a person authorised to witness a statutory declaration. A stat dec must be signed in the presence of an authorised witness. In most cases, stat decs are witnessed by a Justice of the Peace (JP) or solicitor. Schedule - Authorised witnesses for statutory declarations.
However, there are many other acceptable witnesses. Acknowledgement of Country. The Government of Western Australia acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout Western Australia and their continuing connection to the lan waters and community.
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