SPIN is a database on the use of Substances in Products in the Nordic Countries. It is a public accessible database , which can be used free of charge. You can find information on the chemicals that are used in the Nordic countries. SPIN SUBSTANCES IN PREPARATIONS IN NORDIC COUNTRIES. SPIN Substances in Preparations in Nordic Countries.

The SPIN system can be used with any browser, but especially. The Social Policy Indicators ( SPIN ) database provides the foundations for new comparative and longitudinal research on causes and consequences of welfare states. SPIN (Searchable Physics Information Notices) bibliographic database is an indexing and abstracting service produced by the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
The content focus of SPIN is described as the most significant areas of physics research. This type of literature coverage spans the major physical science journals and magazines. SPIN is basically a database that stores substance properties that are relevant to the supported exposure assessment tools. The (graphical) user-interface facilitates access to the database and the interaction with the user. Each substance has a unique code, a name and a short description.

Spindata is a system for ranking time trial across the UK by using time and relative position to others. Each result is given a score that is a notional position the rider would have achieved if everyone currently riding in open events had entered this event - the better the ride the fewer points a rider gets. If your institution appears below or in the pick list, you may login using your institutional credentials. SPIN provides intuitive and easily customizable access to the most extensive research funding opportunity database on earth. Tools are provided that are geared towards both individual and administrative users, and SPIN provides both active searching as well as automate daily opportunity notifications.
Links to the full-text articles in PDF are also provided. Inclusion in this database does not imply that the products are still commercially available. National service desk weblog tool Raise a technical or support call for Spine (log-in and Naccess required) Spine allows information to be shared securely through national services such as the Electronic Prescription Service, Summary Care Record and the e-Referral Service. The SPIN database is oriented towards analyses of institutions as manifested in social policy legislation. The time frame required for training to use the system is about hours.
SPIN is comprised of two powerful InfoEd Solutions: SPIN, the World’s Largest Database of Funding Opportunities SPIN Matching And Research Transmittal Service (SMARTS), logically draws upon SPIN to deliver to you highly-targeted. SPIN is a comprehensive database containing over 40funding opportunities from more than 10federal, public, non-profit, and private sponsors. Resources for Scientists The Spin Trap Database is a database of more than 10records of published Spin Trapping experiments.
This database includes the experimental (e.g. hyperfine coupling constants) and journal reference information. It fails if the move misses or the target is immune. SPINS transforms trillions of retailer data into performance solutions to accelerate growth, and deepen loyalty with shoppers. Write your own reviews!

The database is based on data from the Product Registries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. As your personal data concierge, Oracle Autonomous Database monitors your workloads and keeps track of who can access your data. It knows when you need more capacity and how to optimize performance. It Adds Up to the Greatest Gift of All: Time. Time to extract more value from your data.
All MSU faculty are welcome to create an account and search for grant opportunities. The Italian Spinone Research Database We provide a comprehensive database of pedigree information for the Italian Spinone. The databases are created and managed in the UK, and fall within EU Database Directive protection.
By making a distinction between ‘created’ and ‘obtained’ data, the ECJ embraces one of the main arguments underlying the so-called ‘spin-off theory’. The Trials Sections Database is a ridiculously ambitious project to list key information about every section ever used for a major classic trial. Spins the body at high speed to strike the foe. An attack that frees the user from BIN WRAP, LEECH SEE and SPIKES.
A spin attack that can also eliminate such moves as Bin Wrap, Leech See and Spikes.
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