What is a statutory declaration form? Statutory Declaration - Queensland. An example of when a Stat Dec may be used could be when an employee notifies their employer that they are unwell and therefore will be off work sick.
This is in questionnaire form , useful if you wish to prepare the whole document on the screen before printing out and signing. A Queensland Government statutory declaration formis available online to download and complete. The information below can be used to help you with writing your statutory declaration. A statutory declaration is a statement of fact made by a declarant (the person making the declaration ) conscientiously (or carefully) believed to be true.
It is affirmed by the declarant and not sworn. We highly recommend that you use the Commonwealth statutory declaration form. You must complete a statutory declaration for certain dutiable transactions when lodging documents for assessment with the Office of State Revenue or registered self assessor. Treasury, Queensland Government, OSR duties statutory declarations , licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4. We only give information about Commonwealth statutory declarations. The advanced tools of the editor will direct you through the editable PDF template.
Enter your official identification and contact details. The Department of Transport and Main Roads collects personal information on this form so that you may make the declaration. In this this module we explain the types of statutory declarations you maybe asked to witness and debunk some common myths surrounding these documents.
Queensland , do solemnly and sincerely declare that: AND I MAKE THIS SOLEMN DECLARATION CONSCIENTIOUSLY BELIEVING THE SAME TO BE. Form – Declaration (annexure) (PDF, MB) (a statutory declaration setting out the circumstances of the change or correction of name) How to complete Form – General request Click on the blue text in the form for help, or view an example of a completed Form – General request (PDF, 63KB). These declarations are used primarily in the UK and in British Commonwealth countries, such as Australia and New Zealand.
Completing the statutory declaration If you are not eligible to complete the online nomination or choose not to complete the online nomination and choose to complete the statutory declaration on the back of the fine, you will need to include the full name and address of the person in charge of the vehicle at the time. Note: it is a chargeable offence to intentionally make a false statement in a declaration. A conveyancer, or another person authorised to administer an oath, under the law of the State, the Commonwealth or another State. As part of your home loan application, your bank may ask you to provide a statutory declaration (also known as a ‘stat dec’) to confirm a particular piece of information. The law practice ceased to hold money on: (Insert date) 3. State of Queenslan Solicitor, solemnly and sincerely declare that: 1. Separate statutory declarations are to be completed for each reason or nominated driver.
If you aren’t in Australia, you should use the equivalent in your country. The Department does provide statutory declaration templates for the sponsor and the partner visa applicant but you don’t have to use these. Level 2: Practice notes. You can also make a new resume with our online resume builder which is free and easy to use.

In essence, a statutory declaration is a written statement of fact declared to be true. There are a number of different forms of statutory declarations, depending on the location and subject matter of the declaration. An application for an order must be submitted to a magistrate using the following approved form. Tell us whether you accept cookies.
This is in document form , useful if you wish to print the document and fill it in with a pen. We use this information to make the. A list of authorised witnesses under the Act is attached.
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