Wednesday 1 July 2020

Trademark business name

Register a trademark for your business by searching and registering a trademark. Protect your Brand Today with a Trademark Lawyer. Start your Trademark Search! Our Expert Team Can Help You With Trademark Registration.

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Patent and Trademark Attorneys, handling all forms of IP from our offices in Bath. Do you need to trademark your business name? Is my business name trademarked?

How to trademark a business name or logo? As an example, a cosmetic business e. Sunshine Cosmetics would register their name as a trade mark covering their full range of sun lotions and make-up. Registering a trademark business name involves choosing the class of goods and services that you want the trademark to cover.

There are different trademark classes: covering goods and products and covering services.

Known as the Nice classification, you can review the full class list at the World Intellectual Property Organisation. Here are the main steps involved if you want to register a trademark for your business name : 1. Conduct Preliminary Research. The objective is to figure out if someone already has a trademark on the name you have.

Without a trademark your business name isn’t protected. The USPTO is a fee-funded agency of the U. Department of Commerce, which grants patents for the protection of inventions and registers trademarks and service marks for products and services. You can also trade using a different name to your registered name. This is known as a ‘ business name ’ or ‘trading name ’. You don’t necessarily require trademark for your business to start trading, however, it is always a good idea to trademark your business name for one simple reason.

Understanding Trademark Name Restrictions. What about a business name? Trademarks give you an exclusive right to use certain words, phrases, symbols, or designs to identify your business. Therefore, to trademark a name, you must be using it “in commerce, or you must intend to use it in the near future.

In other words, you can trademark a business name, but not a name that you only use for personal purposes. A trademark , on the other han is used to brand a business.

The business uses the trademark to set itself apart from other businesses dealing in similar products. It is possible to have a trademark that is similar to the DBA, but the fact remains that the two are registered for different purposes. Business names , product names , logos and labels can all be trademarks. You acquire a trademark by using your mark in commerce—in other words, using it when you conduct your business.

For additional protection, you can register a trademark with the U. A business name can be registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), but this doesn’t offer any ownership over the name. Notably, ASIC requires you to tick a box confirming you understand this very thing and that encourages you to consider trademarks when you start a new business name application form. You can register your business name or slogan as a “standard character mark”, which is any combination of letters and numbers with no reference to style, design, font or color. According to the U.

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